< Remove Mold in Bathroom Walls and Ceiling - Orange Mold

Remove Mold in Bathroom Walls and Ceiling

Mold Sooner or later, it is bound to show up in your bathroom or attic. It is damaging to your health, hard to get rid of and it looks awful. In this guide, I will help you to remove mold in bathroom walls and ceiling.


Remove mold in bathroom walls

Mold is a fungus that grows in warm, moist environments. Most often, it shows up in your bathroom and blackens the corners or discolors drywalls. It can destroy objects and damage surfaces it grows on. They release toxins that can cause allergic reactions, such as rash, watery eyes or coughing (see : Perrla eye). In more severe cases, you can even get mold toxicity syndrome. You may have tried to clean it in the past using various solutions, like bleach or vinegar, with varying success for Get Rid of Mold on Walls. Small instances of mold could be cleaned using household cleaning products, but those are often not a permanent solution and the mold can return. For these and especially for larger infestations, it is better to use specialized products.

Remove Mold in Bathroom Walls and Ceiling
Remove Mold in Bathroom Walls and Ceiling, image by wikihon

1. To remove mold in bathroom walls and ceiling, you first have to identify it. Sometimes, mold can go unnoticed for too long and it grows to a large size. Such an infestations should be treated more carefully, as it is possible that breathing without a protective device could expose you to toxins. In those cases, it is best to use a breathing mask before you Remove Mold in Bathroom Walls and Ceiling.


2. Furthermore, arm yourself with a strong mold remover that will eliminate the fungus for good. If you use a remover that is not strong enough, the mold is likely to return fast. You can find recommendations for mold removers in the conclusion to this article.


3. Wear some old clothing and prepare for cleaning. Close the door to the room where you have mold to not contaminate the rest of the house. Get some gloves and goggles. Make sure the area is well ventilated, either by opening a window or by using an electric fan.


4. Where mold is, the potential for water or other damage is also present. Mold can get behind the walls where you can’t see it, but it is equally as bad as the one you do. If you suspect that mold has taken hold deeper in the wall, don’t be hesitant to open it and get all the mold out and allow the wall to dry. If the wall has been damaged by mold, you will likely have to replace it anyway.

5. As the final step, vacuum all the leftover debris. After using the mold remover, clean the surface using a bleach and detergent solution and let it dry. Once that is done, repair any damage that has been caused by the mold. To ensure that mold won’t appear again in your home, control dampness by preventing water leaks and ensuring adequate ventilation. That will go a long way in keeping your house mold-free.


Mold can be hard to get rid of. The best way to get rid of mold in bathroom ceiling is to use the Mold Armor Instant Mold and Mildew Stain Remover. Your house will thank you for it.

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